Sunday 15 March 2015

Be different with your uniqueness

                                     WHO IS A SALES PERSON?
I have often asked as I journey through the process bringing value to the marketplace. How could a martin Luther king Jr. communicate passionately his vision (product) to gain much a massive followership?
Think of some of the world’s most influential people, ever; Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, Charles Darwin, Nelson Mandela, Julius Caesar, Adolf Hitler, Abraham Lincoln etc, they all sold their vision and inspired others through their words, actions, salesmanship. Sales People are Changemakers

Thursday 12 February 2015

10 Motivational Quotes to inspire Peak Performance

“I can do it”

When was the last time you said that to yourself? In the daily grind of sales, you might not receive encouragement from your manager often, as they get pushed to the side as demands of increasing targets, calls and meetings pile up. Yet as sales people, we have expectations to meet. There comes a time in the lives

Tuesday 20 January 2015

TheMagicOfMarketing: Innovation

The play was a great success but the audience was a total failure

                                                                                    Oscar Wilde

Marketing is not a posh word for selling. Marketing in its broadest and best sense is about aligning your business and strategy to the changing needs of your customers. It  is not about advertising and selling but tactfully choosing your customers and segment, then being prepared to put them at the center where everything about your business revolves around them. Customer has graduated from being the king to the “god”. It's a fundamentally different philosophy.