Sunday 15 March 2015

Be different with your uniqueness

                                     WHO IS A SALES PERSON?
I have often asked as I journey through the process bringing value to the marketplace. How could a martin Luther king Jr. communicate passionately his vision (product) to gain much a massive followership?
Think of some of the world’s most influential people, ever; Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, Charles Darwin, Nelson Mandela, Julius Caesar, Adolf Hitler, Abraham Lincoln etc, they all sold their vision and inspired others through their words, actions, salesmanship. Sales People are Changemakers

With fierce competition and rage for attention of the customer by many sales persons, the greatest salespeople everyday, sell themselves on: Why they need to get out of bed with spring in their step. Why they won’t let challenges and setbacks consume them. Why their customers will buy from them and not their competitors. Why they will ultimately succeed, no matter what, at what they do… Hence, the ‘sell’ must always start with a meaningful, why? Be mindful, that without a strong why, no one will buy.

Being different is critical towards achieving your goals as a sales person. Being different in your uniqueness will ensure speed as you continue to make a difference in your world by what you bring – value. Consider this:

  • Create value by sharing ideas and products that helps the customer live happier and a meaningful life
  • Believe in your product. Sales is about being confident about the difference you make
  • Connect the future with where you are now. Have a vision embedded in what you do as a sales person. Everyone sells.
  • Dream big
  • Be innovative
  • Never ever give up on yourself and your big WHY.

Life is lived once. Let every day, every moment, today , count

To your success!

The Gladiator

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